Deloitte Whistleblowing Platform


CTCI Whistleblowing Website                         Honesty , Integrity , Sustainability

About Whistleblowing Hotline

Purpose of this mechanism is to assist colleagues in finding help or to report any misconducts that violates company policies. In order to protect the whistleblower and to report anonymously, this website is constructed by an independent third-party (Deloitte & Touche). If any incidents reported are found to be false or malicious, the whistleblower will be held accountable for legal liabilities.

Company’s Promise

At CTCI, we firmly believe that complying with ethic guidelines and group policies can ensure employees’ rights and group’s sustainable operation. If you notice any misconducts or any actions that may adversely affect the group’s interests, please report without hesitation. This Whistleblowing mechanism is utterly safe and confidential; you do not have to worry about any interference, retaliation, unfair treatments, or job security issues. If you would like to report an incident, please follow the instructions on this page. As you may choose to report anonymously, we also encourage you to leave your contact information for us to uncover more details and to provide you with your rewards where applicable.

What to Report

  1. Reporting is permissible in cases where the subject has violated laws, company regulations, or engaged in other improper conduct that adversely affects the interests of the company.
  2. Matters pertaining to the breach of our company's Code of Ethical Conduct include:
  • Regulations on gift reception, such as accepting monetary contributions or items from subcontractors and contractors, receiving inappropriate meals or gatherings, etc.
  • Conflicts of interest, such as deriving personal benefits from engaging in company business activities, accepting employment (including part-time) from competitors, clients, subcontractors, or other industry counterparts.
  • Leakage of trade secrets and intellectual property rights, such as disclosing information known or deemed confidential from performing company duties, unauthorized or unapproved disclosure of the company's trade secrets or proprietary information, etc.
  • Unfair dealings with subcontractors, such as failure to select cooperating subcontractors and contractors in a fair and just manner, disclosing subcontracting or bidding information to any unrelated third parties, revealing any confidential information to subcontractors and contractors, etc.
  • Other: Unethical conduct judged from a reasonable and objective third-party perspective, which may have adverse effects on the company, individuals, and others.


  1. The informant is required to furnish the reporting platform with specific details and relevant evidence concerning individuals, events, times, locations, and other pertinent elements for the company's investigatory purposes.
  2. In the event that, for investigatory purposes, the company notifies the informant to provide additional specific details and relevant evidence regarding any persons, events, times, locations, or other pertinent elements of the reported case, or requests further clarification on the content of the report, and if, within 14 days from the date of notification, the informant fails to respond, the company reserves the right to conclude the case due to the assessment that further investigation or processing is not feasible.
  3. Reports that do not align with the aforementioned reporting criteria, constituting mere expressions of opinions or grievances, fall outside the purview of acceptance within the company's reporting platform.

Other Ways of Report

  • Email

Please click here to download the Whistleblowing Website User Guide